Tag Archives: design experience

First Prototypes

fristprotoytypesDay Two of Design Thinking at GACS-

Today, students got right into the design process with a little prototyping exercise, called, “Ready, Set, Design”. I found this resource through the Stanford d.school website. It was created by the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, at the Smithsonian. (Check it out). I gave my students a quick down and dirty on the purpose of prototyping and presented them with the challenge that I needed to keep my hands warm. (Rules: no re-creating something that already exists- use only some basic supplies to make their prototypes- finish in 15 minutes). The open-ended prompt led to prototypes for an usb-powered warming mat, a breath-powered warming pocket, and a solar oven inspired hand warmer, to name a few. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to make something. They, of course, were very creative and excited about the process. We will continue to unpack their first design experience next class.

Let us know what you think. What ideas do you have to solve the problem of cold hands?

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